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Adderall: Not a Solution

Some college students enjoy taking Adderall in order to help them stay up at night to write a paper or focus to cram for an exam.  However, most users of Adderall are not prescribed this drug.  Using prescription drugs that are prescribed to someone else is inherently dangerous, and can cause negative side effects.  

The amount of times I’ve heard the words “broke college student” (and uttered them myself) is never-ending.  Unless you have very generous parents who fund your grocery needs, drinking habits, and late-night Tutti Gusti, you probably have a job or are just REALLY good at saving money. While difficult, it is possible to save money as a college student. Balancing a budget is key, and here are some tips to help you do so!

Autism is a cognitive disorder that affects the ability to communicate and interact.  April is Autism Awareness month, and April 2nd has been denoted as World Autism Day.  Many people do not understand this disease, and there are several myths and misconceptions about it that need to be addressed.

Volunteering is almost necessary for the college student. It is one of the most rewarding things a person can do, and has a miriad of benefits for the mental, emotional, and social well-being of college students!


Jules Rogers-26 March 2015

College students in particular are known for having sporadic sleeping patterns.  All-nighters, naps, and partying until late on the weekends all contribute to sleep loss. However, short-term and long-term sleep deprivation can have some serious negative effects!


Jules Rogers-20 March 2015

Reblog: 3 reasons to be kind

Awesome read-Daily Cup of Yoga's post 3 Reasons to be Kind. Kindness is so important to maintaing a positive mental health, because making other people feel good helps us to feel good in return.


Jules Rogers - 19 March 2015

Do you find it hard to get back on track to your work or school assignments after a vacation? Here are some steps to help beat the blues and start up again.



Jules Rogers 12 March 2015

College is a stressful time. Balancing exams, papers and jobs while trying to maintain a social life is not an easy task. Read more about how to prioritize commitments and manage stress.


Jules Rogers 26 Feb 2015

We're told that eating right and exercsing will ultimately help us to achieve our ideal bodies, but is it possible to eat too clean? Read more to learn about orthorexia, an eating disorder caused by the obsession with eating healthy.

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