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Yoga! Why You Should Try It

Sooooooo yoga….


That weird thing that some college kids do but honestly a lot of us don’t.


I know what you’re probably thinking “Isn’t yoga for moms? Or old ladies?”


But the answer is NO!


Anyone and everyone can do it!


Did you know that yoga is in fact a healing system of theory and practice and its purpose is to create awareness, strength and harmony in the mind and body?!


If that doesn’t sound impressive! How about the long list of physical benefits one can reap from Yoga such as:


  • Protection from injury

  • Weight reduction

  • Increased flexibility

  • Improved athletic performance

  • Increased muscle strength and tone

  • Sustainment of balanced metabolism

  • And most importantly helps manage stress!!!


There are hundreds of different yoga classes that will most likely consist of breathing exercises, meditation, and postures/poses that stretch and flex your muscles.


I challenge YOU to try at least one yoga class at JMU before the Semester is over!!


With three different types of classes (yoga fitness, power yoga, and restorative yoga) taking place in either Godwin or UREC on Wednesdays or Thursdays, I can guarantee that after one yoga session you will feel more relaxed than when you came in.


You only have four years at college!


Why not try something new?!




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