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Do you wake up in the morning and crave indulgent pancakes but can’t afford all the calories and don’t want to consume processed ingredients? With this simple and easy recipe you can enjoy your pancakes with no guilt! These banana pancakes are delicious, light, and full of protein.

Nicole Banville - April 21, 2015

It may be a habit to grab a soda while at the movies or a Gatorade after a long workout. However, these drinks have high added sugar content and when consumed frequently, can be detrimental for one’s health.


Added sugars are sugars and syrups that are added to foods or beverages when they are processed or prepared. This does not include natural sugars such as those in milk and fruits. To identify added sugars, read the ingredient label on processed foods. 

Nicole Banville - March 31, 2015

If you’ve never tried quinoa, now is the time! Quinoa is highly nutritious, easy to prepare and can be used in a variety of dishes. Quinoa is an extremely versatile grain that can be used in endless amounts of dishes. However, today I will just share with you a few of my favorites. 

Nicole Banville - March 3, 2015

The term “gluten-free” is tossed around a lot now a days and the “gluten-free” trend has even become mainstream. Celebrities and athletes such as Miley Cyrus, Jessica Alba, Miranda Kerr, Oprah Winfrey and Drew Brees all follow “gluten-free” diets; along with an estimated 15-25% of the American population. You hear the term gluten on a daily basis but if asked to define “gluten”, could you?

Nicole Banville - February 26, 2015

Almost everyone loves pasta.  I mean, nothing is more satisfying than a huge plate of penne vodka, lasagna, tortellini… Ok I’m getting carried away.  Unfortunately, if you’re on a low carb diet, or you're just trying to cut carbs on non-training days, those Italian favorites may be off the menu.


The good news is there’s a healthy alternative to a classic pasta dish, and it’ll taste so good you’ll forget you’re eating a vegetable.  If you haven’t tried spaghetti squash I highly recommend it.  Here’s a simple, healthy recipe to get you started.

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