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Slimming Down for Spring Break

The countdown begins... It's officially two weeks until spring break. Whether you have big plans for out of the country, or you're just hitting the lake for a few days, you're probably looking for a way to cut a few pounds, fast. Even naturally thinner guys like myself, who are usually looking to bulk up as much as possible, might want to get a cleaner look before hitting the beach.  That's why we've compiled a few strategies to incorporate into your workouts on the final stretch that will help you get spring break ready.


Now, two weeks is NOT a long time, so you need to make sure to manage your expectations, but that shouldn't stop you from trying to look your best.  So regardless of how well you've been handling your fitness to thusfar, it's time to kick it up a notch in the next 14 days.


Are you ready?  Good.

1. Add Some Cardio to Your Regimen

This one sounds like a no-brainer, but for many guys cardio isn't their top priority, if it's a priority at all.  The simple truth is you need to burn extra calories if you want to cut fat, and the only way to do that is by getting your heart rate elevated.  The good news is, contrary to popular belief, you don't need to live on a treadmill to get your cardio in.  There are TONS of ways to do cardio; the trick is finding the way you enjoy the most.  For me, it's basketball. I'm not any good, but I get a pretty good workout in after three or four pickup games.  


Don't be afraid to mix it up and try new things, either.  Mixing activities like swimming, running and playing racquetball will keep your body guessing, and keep you from getting apathetic.

2. High Intensity Interval Training

High Intesnsity Interval Training or HIIT, is a new concept in cardio training that involves alternating between low-moderate intensity intervals and high intensity intervals.  These workouts, if done correctly, are very tough.  I struggled quite a bit the first couple times I tried them with someone who had more experience with HIIT.


The good news is that not only are these workouts extremely effective, they're equally quick.  In fact, a good HIIT session should only last you about 15 minutes.  That's right, say goodbye to the old "I don't have time" excuse, because there's no way you can't fit these workouts into your schedule. 


Here's a basic HIIT workout to get you started:


1. Jog at a moderate pace (about 50% intensity) for 30 seconds.

2. Run as hard as you can for 30 seconds.

3. Repeat 5-8 times.


You can also incorporate HIIT concepts into your lifting schedule.  Here's an awesome video from that lays out a killer HIIT workout for beginners.


It's as simple as that.

It's a little late in the game for something like this, but if you don't mind spending a little extra cash, you might consider finding a reasonably priced fat burner.  I've been taking Iron Cuts from Muscle Pharm's Arnold Schwarzenegger Series for about three weeks now and it's definitely helped me get some definition in my midsection and my back. Just remember, supplements are never a substitute for hard work.




3. Consider Adding a Supplement

Remember, what you do in the gym is only half the battle.  All the cardio in the world can't save you if you can't save yourself from poor eating habits, so make sure you stay as clean as possible.  Also, you'll be sweating a lot more than usual so it's vital that you stay hydrated.  This means you're going to want to be continuously taking in water throughout the day. 


There may not be much time left, but it's not over yet. Follow these tips, push yourself in the gym and see how much progress you can make in two weeks.  Good luck, and see you on the beach!

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